速報APP / 通訊 / Live Mobile Location Tracker

Live Mobile Location Tracker





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Live Mobile Location Tracker(圖1)-速報App

► Live Mobile Location Tracker is a small tool through which you can easily track all the current locations, find near places, visit all visited location. Its a very simple and unique app that has combination of many features in one app only.

► Location tracker has 4 main features:

1 : Current Location : it will fetch the full address, current city and state with all details on MAP view

2 : Place finder: GPS place finder will help you to find near places of where you want to visit like doctor clinic, restaurant, school. gym etc. you can get full detail of it.

3: Location Logs : location history tracker allows you to track your mobile locations at fixed interval where ever you are going or visiting . Complete location history of your cell phone will be displayed along with time (AM/PM).

4 : Settings : This option has many features:

Live Mobile Location Tracker(圖2)-速報App

a) Location accuracy : You can set gps accuracy to fetch location from either high, balanced power or low accuracy.

note: high accuracy will consume more battery but it is more effective in all conditions.

b) Location interval : users can opt for either 5,10,15,30 minutes to gather gps address based on these intervals.

c) Map Type : Based on your selection map will display in normal, satellite, terrain or hybrid mode.

Delete location history : Anytime if you wish to delete cell phone visited location you can do that from that feature.

► This application will totally work on GPS and internet to provide better service.

Live Mobile Location Tracker(圖3)-速報App

► This application will never upload any of user's personal data or locations.

► Mobile address Location Tracker is designed beautifully and Graphical based user interface.

► Best and helpful Mobile location Locator app for your Android cell device.

► Fetch and share your current location every time with single click. effortless and fine way to share your current live address with latitude and longitude along with map link.

► Mobile Location finder Tracker is the ideal and finest GPS Tracking app. It provides and makes comfort and security to those who are new in city and forget their address.

► Mobile Location Tracker is absolutely free to download since beginning.

Live Mobile Location Tracker(圖4)-速報App


Location service: For finding locations.

Live Mobile Location Tracker(圖5)-速報App